Three Benefits of Eating Organic Foods

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Organic Foods

Jerry Westrom, based in Isanti, MN, is the risk management specialist at Crop Revenue Management, Inc., and also the owner of his own organic farm. A proponent of organic farming throughout his hometown of Isanti, MN, Jerry Westrom has been certified by Nature’s International Certification Services as an organic grower, and he understands the many benefits of eating organic foods. Here are three advantages:

1. More nutritional: Studies have shown that organic fruits and vegetables are simply more healthy, with 27 percent more vitamin C, almost 30 percent more magnesium, and almost 14 percent more phosphorus. Also, organic meat is less fatty.

2. No herbicides or pesticides: While many people believe that if produce is simply washed off before ingestion, it will be completely pesticide free. Pesticides are poison, and there is always a chance of some of it remaining in the nooks and crannies of these foods. Organic foods are free of this danger.

3. No synthetic hormones or antibiotics: Many animals are fed antibiotics to keep them from becoming ill when kept in poor, unhygienic environments. They can also be injected with hormones to make them gain weight or produce extra milk. These things can leave traces behind in the meat, and have been shown in studies to increase the chance of cancer. Organic meat isn’t made with these techniques.

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